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11/30/2023 05:09:16 PM


Rabbi Josh Whinston

In this week's Torah portion, Vayishlach, a poignant reunion takes place between Jacob and Esau, who have been separated for more than 14 years. As they prepare to meet, Jacob grapples with the haunting fear that Esau may seek revenge for past transgressions. His anxiety is so profound that he divides his camp, hoping that if one group is attacked, the others may escape unharmed. However, when the long-anticipated meeting finally occurs, something truly remarkable unfolds: Esau rushes towards Jacob, warmly embraces him and plants a heartfelt kiss on his neck. The two brothers, once estranged, now stand together, tears streaming down their faces as they embrace.

The recent weeks have presented numerous challenges for many of us. From the tragic events of October 7th to the outbreak of war that has claimed the lives of countless innocent Palestinians in Gaza, coupled with the troubling surge in antisemitism and divisions within both the progressive camp and the Jewish community, it has been an emotionally taxing period. Having listened to the concerns of some of our congregation members, I understand that my views on Israel may not align with everyone here, and that's perfectly fine. It's crucial to recognize that our congregation thrives on the richness of diverse opinions.

We must foster a community where genuine dialogue flourishes, where we can openly discuss the ongoing conflict and the profound tragedy unfolding before our eyes. What matters most is that we create a space for honest, deep, and meaningful conversations, rather than seeking unanimous agreement. We are Jews after all, we were born to disagree!

Let us unite to ensure that we do not drift apart like Jacob and Esau once did. Regardless of our individual stances on this conflict, we all stand to benefit from the warmth of an embrace and the solace of shared tears. Please rest assured that, along with our entire senior staff, I am here for you, ready to offer my support and embrace you in these trying times.

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784